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Agilent at ECP 2023

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Agilent symposium: How an Open, Scalable Digital Pathology Solution Can Improve Diagnostic Quality and Efficiency in Pathology Practice

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Symposium activities

Date: Tuesday 12th of September, 2023
Time: 13:00 -14:30 
Location: Room Wicklow Hall 1

Digital pathology is increasing laboratory efficiency, clinical utility and quality control, which can reduce the time to diagnosis and improves patient outcomes. Unlock the future of Digital Pathology with an open scalable End to End solution.The seminar will present examples of how new agnostic tools can be used with significant impact in pathology labs.

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Read the complete information about our speakers

Talk title: How digital pathology has enabled the scale up of a novel capsule sponge test in the upper GI pathway

Neil Ryan
VP Laboratory Operations at Cyted, UK.


The use of capsule sponge testing as a minimally invasive, non-endoscopic approach for early cancer detection.  A summary of real world data showing impacts across the UK and the role played by digital pathology.

Neil Ryan currently performs the role of VP Laboratory Operations, and is responsible for leading all the laboratory operations and outputs at Cyted.  Cyted is a data-driven diagnostics company that seeks to help in the earlier and faster diagnosis of cancer. Using a novel cell sampling methodology, Cyted drives earlier detection to protect oesophageal health by monitoring for signs of pre-cancer and other disease.  Cyted's laboratory uses digital technology for 100% of its diagnostic reporting.  Neil has over 20 years experience working within cellular and molecular pathology across sectors. He has performed a range of senior leadership and Board level roles, most recently within private healthcare diagnostics businesses. Alongside his role at Cyted, Neil also operates as a Non-Exec Director for UKNEQAS CPT.


Talk title: The need for an open digital pathology platform based on experiences at NHS GGC

James Blackwood,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK.



NHS GGC began its journey to digitise pathology operations in 2017. During his talk, James Blackwood will share lessons learned and cover requirements for an interoperable platform that serves as the center of gravity for the digital pathology ecosystem to power primary diagnostic workflows and incorporate a broad portfolio of AI applications. He’ll also speak to why a singular platform that drives diagnostic and research workflows is enabling his team to tap into the full potential of its data

James Blackwood is currently the AI Strategy and Portfolio Lead for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.  
He previously held the role of CTO & NHS National Programme Manager for iCAIRD, one of the UK’s largest healthcare AI research programmes, based in Scotland, with over 50 projects across radiology and pathology AI.  iCAIRD digitised the pathology lab at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which with around 70 pathologists, generates over 500,000 digital whole slide histopathology images each year and has accumulated over 2PB of WSI data so far.  JD was also the Healthcare AI Lead in Scottish Government.
James Blackwood is a generalist with a background in product and service innovation; digital customer experience design; cutting-edge technology architecture including artificial intelligence; large-scale international programme delivery; and starting, scaling and running technology companies.  He is passionate about using technology to improve lives.



Talk title: Implementation and validation of a digital pathology IMS and AI algorithm solution for PD-L1 in a reference lab environment 

Dr. Shawn Kinsey
Gastrointestinal Pathologist and the Laboratory Director for PathAI Diagnostics, USA. 


Dr. Shawn Kinsey will provide an overview of various metrics and user feedback collected from our Early Access Program partners. The scope of offerings included is our AISight IMS as well as AIM-PDL1-NSCLC and AIM-HER2-Breast AI algorithms and the scope of data to be discussed includes workflow efficiency metrics and concordance and discordance analyses.

Dr. Shawn Kinsey completed his anatomic and clinical pathology residency at UT Southwestern in Dallas, Texas; staying an additional year as a gastrointestinal/hepatic pathology fellow. In 2012, Dr. Kinsey relocated to Memphis, Tennessee to join Poplar Healthcare, a multidisciplinary national reference laboratory, becoming the laboratory director in 2015. He oversaw the implementation of digital pathology in the practice starting in 2020. Following PathAI's acquisition of the practice, Dr. Kinsey has been involved in algorithm development, validation, and implementation at PathAI Diagnostics; which has grown to be one of the largest independent anatomic pathology laboratories in the United States.


Talk title: AI for accurate quantitation of therapeutic targets

Professor Paul J van Diest,
MD PhD. Head of Pathology Department at University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Assessment of therapeutic targets in cells and tissue of cancer patients has become a major part of diagnostic pathology to properly select patients for targeted therapy. This assessment is traditionally done subjectively by eyeballing through the microscope.
Digital pathology is now being implemented worldwide and offers, among many others, the option to objectively quantitate therapeutic targets by image analysis or artificial intelligence (AI). In this presentation, an overview will be given of the state of the art of cancer biomarker quantitation by AI, including protein targets, molecular changes and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Professor Paul J van Diest studied Medicine, did his PhD and pathology residency at VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam; after obtaining his Board certification (1996) he became Consultant Pathologist, Associate Professor (1999) and full Professor (2001). Since 2003 he is Head of the Department of Pathology at University Medical Center Utrecht, this department has gone fully digital; and at the moment is involved in AI-research and implementation.  He is Adjunct Professor of Oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Oncology Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA, serves on the editorial board of international journals, and has been active in several international societies. He published >900 papers in peer reviewed journals, supervised 87 PhD theses; his H-index is 97.


For Diagnostic Use Only.


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