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Your Lab: Our Proven ICP-QQQ

ICP-QQQ Applications Handbook

cover of the Agilent ICP-QQQ Applications handbook

Access detailed descriptions for more than 60 applications

Download over 60 proven methods

Ever wondered whether introducing ICP-MS/MS into your lab might transform your applications? Take a look at the types of measurements labs have been using Agilent ICP-QQQ instruments for since we introduced the technique over eight years ago.

Our ICP-QQQ Applications Handbook has over 300 pages, packed with more than 60 proven methods, both routine and novel, created by Agilent application specialists and our users.

Access 1000+ articles that use ICP-QQQ

Our ICP-QQQ bibliography provides links to peer-reviewed journal articles describing analyses done with Agilent ICP-QQQ instruments. The bibliography is organized by industry/application area so you can quickly find articles and methods relevant to your lab.

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