Hurry. Don’t miss your chance to learn how other analysts spend their time.
To rank these sample handling activities, click and drag items from the left box to the right box—from most time consuming to least. You can change the order of items in the right box by clicking and dragging them up or down.
Once you’re done, click “submit” and see how your responses compare to other labs.
Remeasuring samples due to data quality issues
QC failures, contamination, carryover, bubbles in the sample line, nebulizer blockage
Screening samples before ICP analysis
Analysis of samples, often using another system or technique, to determine if they require additional dilution
Preparing calibration standards
Diluting stock solutions to prepare calibration standards
Diluting and remeasuring samples after ICP analysis
For over range or internal standard failure
Diluting samples before ICP analysis
Dilution of samples to ensure they are within the calibration range or to overcome matrix effects
Preparing digestions or acidifying samples
Excluding the actual digestion time
Loading samples for analysis
Entering or verifying sample IDs, placing sample tubes in autosampler racks, confirming sample matches location
Thank you
Here are the results from the participants who have completed the poll so far.
Remeasuring samples due to data quality issues
Screening samples before ICP analysis
Preparing calibration standards
Diluting and remeasuring samples after ICP analysis
Diluting samples before ICP analysis
Preparing digestions or acidifying samples
Loading samples for analysis
Here is the listing of your responses.
Once polling closes, a full set of results will be provided.