You may be able to relate to some of the daily stresses in a lab manager's life shown in this video.
Budget cuts
Staff shortages
Unplanned instrument downtime
Result reporting deadlines
The new Agilent Advanced Dilution System, and the automation it brings to ICP-OES and ICP-MS analyses, can help reduce the pressures felt by lab managers.
This two minute video shows how all the Agilent automation components work seamlessly together to improve data quality- with less sample handling and contamination, increase sample throughput - with no reruns and data reported the same day, and less labware to buy and clean.
Manual dilution vs an autodilutor
In this entertaining video, Dr Alex Taylor takes on the new Agilent ICP Automation system in a challenge to prepare 100 ICP-OES samples with 50x dilution and a 5-point calibration from a single stock standard.
The release of the Agilent Advanced Dilution System (ADS) means you can get all the components you need for an automated ICP analysis workflow from Agilent. All-Agilent means you only have one call to make, one field service engineer, and one trusted company to work with.
You can find details about the new autodilutor accessory for Agilent ICP-OES and ICP-MS systems in the links below.
Get an overview of what the new autodilutor can do for you and how it fits with the other ICP automation components Agilent offers.
The product information page on offers a wealth of detailed information about the ADS 2.
These application notes provide detailed information, including method settings and typical results, about the use of the autodilutor for common ICP analyses.
An Agilent ICP-MS, coupled with the autodilutor, is used for this common analysis. Data on the accuracy and performance of the autodilutor is presented in this application note.
An efficient analysis method is described, using an Agilent 7850 ICP-MS with the Advanced Dilution System autodilutor
This study shows how an ICP-OES, fitted with the ADS 2 autodilutor, can be used for the productive analysis of high matrix samples.