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Software Download

Agilent Femto Pulse system

Agilent ProSize data analysis software

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Agilent ProSize Data Analysis Software

Additional information:

*Release notes from ProSize data analysis software 3.0 or earlier are not available.

Download the ProSize Data Analysis Software tutorial videos

Download the instructions on how to add the tutorial videos into ProSize Data Analysis Software here.

To watch the complete sequence of the tutorial how-to videos on demand, please visit our website.

Femto Pulse system

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Femto Pulse Controller Software

Download the latest controller software updates and method files for the Femto Pulse system.

Genomic DNA 165 kb kit method/configuration files

Two updated method files are available. The Method D Flush restores the shape and signal of the 165 kb peak if it changes after repeated runs. The 20 minute conditioning method is recommended as a daily conditioning step to improve separations of high molecular weight gDNA samples.

The 165 kb BAC kit method/configuration files

Method/configuration and ladder required to run the 165 kb BAC kit: Download

Please fill out the form below to download ProSize data analysis software (693 MB).

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
