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Agilent Seminar

Overcoming the Challenges of Sampling, Analysis, and Data Processing for the Comprehensive Monitoring of PFAS

Join Agilent to Overcome Challenges of PFAS

This seminar will provide insightful guidance and discussion around the challenges posed in meeting current and future legislative requirements for monitoring PFAS in a myriad of matrices ranging from environmental samples such as air, water, soil, landfill leachates etc. through to textiles, food, food packaging materials and biological samples.

Topics to be discussed include:

1) The impact of bioaccumulation to humans and animals  

2) Considerations for PFAS sampling: Sample collection and storage 

3) Reducing chemical background to maximise sensitivity and productivity 

4) Sample preparation strategies from biosolids and soils to food and textiles

5) Impact of PFAS in marine environments 

6) Meeting the upcoming EU regulations with a fully validated targeted analysis of 47 PFAS compounds 

7) Detection and identification of emerging PFAS compounds using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with Fluoromatch software

8) Extending the scope analysis to volatile PFAS using GC/MS

9) Analyzing air borne PFAS contamination 

10) Separating and characterizing linear and branched PFAS isomers in the environment using 2D chromatography with Ion Mobility Spectrometry 


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