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Application Compendium

Histology and Slide Scanning for Light Microscopy

Histology and SLide Scanning App Guide cover | Agilent

Today, histology and the study of microanatomy continue to advance not only in the targeted design of pathogenic models, the sectioning capabilities and staining selectivity, but also in the automation and computational methods for sample acquisition and analysis. The variety and flexibility of methods for tissue preparation and staining allows researchers to optimize their protocols and adapt them for available instrumentation and imaging resources.

The goal of this application compendium is to introduce various imaging assays utilizing Agilent BioTek’s high-content imaging instruments and image analysis software to characterize staining expression on histological sections and samples.

In this Application Compendium, you’ll get valuable information about:

  • Histology Best Practices
  • Hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue
  • Automated color imaging of tissues
  • Applied robotics for enhanced throughput options in microscopy as demonstrated by automated tissue microarray (TMA) imaging
  • Instrumentation and more...

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